Sonargaon Transport & Parcel Service Address, Contact No

Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service is one of the e-commerce service companies in Bangladesh. You can send your products safely and hassle-free from one end of the country to the other easily with Sonargaon Transport & Parcel Service.
Head office of Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service
71/3, Hosseini Dalan Road, Chankhar Pool, Dhaka-1211
Phone: 57300591
Mobile: 01733-360550
Mobile: 01733-360555
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Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Booking Office:
96, North South Road, Malitola Lane. Banshal, Dhaka.
Phone: 9515178
Mobile: 01733-360553
Mobile: 01733-360557
Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Booking Office:
No. 04, Dholaikhal Road Roy Saheb Bazar.
Phone: 9554205
Mobile: 01733-360552
487, DT Road Kadmatoli, Chittagong. Phone: 721491, Mobile: 01712-921939
Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Branch Office:
Faridpur Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Office,
South Alipore Road.
Mobile: 01733-360558
Gopalganj Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Office,
Stadium Market.
Mobile: 01733-360567
Office of Magura Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service,
Asaduzzaman Road (World Road).
Mobile: 01733-360558
Shere Bangla No. 11 Road, Khulna
Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Office.
Phone: 720312
Mobile: 01733-360564
Fakirhat Sonargaon Transport & Parcel Service Office,
Beside Van Hut.
Mobile: 01733-360566
Office of Bagerhat Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service,
Beside Bagerhat Municipality.
Mobile: 01733-360568
Pirojpur Office of Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service,
CO Office Mor.
Mobile: 01733-360556
Jessore Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service Office,
Dhaka race
Mobile: 01733-360561/62
Satkhira Sonargaon Transport & Parcel Service Office, China Bangla Market,
Palash Pool is in front of the school.
Mobile: 01733-360569
Office of Kushtia Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service,
Five Street Junction, Kushtia.
Mobile: 01733-360570
Office of Alamdanga Sonargaon Transport and Parcel Service,
Pashu Hat Road, Haji Mor.
Mobile: 01711-331362
Rajbari Sonargaon Parcel Service Office.
Mobile: 01733-360571
Jhenaidah Parcel Service Office,
In front of the food godown.
Mobile: 01733-360573
Kaliganj Transport Service Office, Bus Stand,
Hospital rush.
Mobile: 01733-360574
Court Chandpur Parcel Service Office.
Mobile: 01733-360575
Jeevan Nagar Sonargaon Transport Service Office.
Mobile: 01733-360576
Office of Chuadanga Transport and Parcel Service,
Next to the municipality.
Mobile: 01733-360572
Meherpur Parcel Service Office.
Mobile: 01726-539211