Parvatipur to Dhaka Train Schedule and Fare

As always, for those of you who love train travel, today we will discuss with you the popular Bangladesh Rail Parvatipur to Dhaka train schedule ticket price and much more. Hope you stay with us. Parvatipur to Dhaka rail route has been a popular rail route in Bangladesh since long. Many modern and Bilasbur trains ply through this railway. And since Parvatipur station is very old, most of the time the trains take a break at the station.
Parvatipur to Dhaka train schedule
Currently, a total of five modern intercity trains stop at this station at various times. So if you want to come to Dhaka, you can come by these trains. So let’s check the schedule of all Parvatipur Dhaka Road trains.
Read More: Rajshahi to Chilahati Barendra Express Train Schedule and Fare
Train arrival time excluding holidays
Do you know the ticket price of Dhaka to Parvatipur train, all the trains that run are luxury modern trains. So you can collect your tickets in total seven categories. We have attached below the ticket prices for each class.
Train name | Holiday | Time to leave | Arrival time |
Ekota Express (705) | No | 10:10 | 18:15 |
Drutojan Express (757) | No | 20:00 | 20:00 |
Nilsagar Express (765) | Monday | 06:40 | 06:40 |

Seat Category Ticket Price
Seat Section | Ticket price (15% VAT) |
Shovan | 365 taka |
Shovan Chair | 440 taka |
F_Seat | 585 taka |
F_Berth | 875 taka |
Snigdha | 730 taka |
AC_Chair | 875 taka |
AC_Berth | 1315 taka |
Dhaka to Parvatipur train online ticket booking
At present, passengers are suffering due to railway system and online ticketing. So if you want to buy tickets online then you need to go to official website of Bangladesh Railway to buy tickets or you can easily buy train tickets online.
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