Train Schedule

Dhaka to Srimangal train schedule, ticket price and holidays

Are you searching on internet to know about Dhaka to Srimangal Chai Desh train ticket price?? Then I would say you can easily check Dhaka to Srimangal All-Train-Schedule from our website. Srimangal is full of natural beauty of Bangladesh. So every day many people travel to Srimangal for the purpose of tourism. Train travel is basically very comfortable and safe travel. So the demand for train travel is also high.

Also Read: Parvatipur to Dhaka Train Schedule and Fare

Four intercity trains run from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station to Srimangal. These trains are modern and equipped with all facilities. You will feel comfort and luxury while traveling in these trains.

Dhaka to Srimangal Train Schedule:
Basically we all know that Dhaka to Srimangal railway distance is about 185 km. So it is safest and most comfortable to travel by train on this long route. Also, train tickets are much cheaper than road tickets. Because Bangladesh Railway is managed by Bangladesh Government. So you can travel safely and luxuriously with less money. Some of the trains from Dhaka to Srimangal include Parabat Express train number (709), Jayantika Express train number (717), Upaban Express train number (739), and lastly Colony Express train number (773). Added inside the box.

Train arrival time excluding holidays

Train nameHolidayTime to leaveArrival time
Parabat Express (709)Tuesday06:2010:30
Jayantika Express (717)No11:5510:30
Upban Express (739)Wednesday20:3001:27
Kalani Express (773)Friday16:0018:57

Dhaka to Srimangal Ticket Price (Fare):

Since these trains are intercity trains, the fare of these trains is determined based on the arrival section. It has AC Non AC cabin, Sobhon, Sobhon chair, first seat, all facilities. Let’s know the Dhaka to Srimangal train ticket price.

Also Read: Rajshahi to Chilahati Barendra Express Train Schedule and Fare | Barendra Express

Seat Category Ticket Price

Seat SectionTicket price (15% VAT)
Shovan265 taka
Shovan Chair320 taka
F_Seat425 taka
F_Berth640 taka
Snigdha610 taka
AC_Chair 736 taka
AC_Berth1099 taka

From the above discussion, I hope I have been able to inform you about Dhaka to Srimangal train schedule and ticket price. Also, if you have any personal opinion, don’t forget to ask in the comment box on our website. Thank you.

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