BRTC Faridpur to Dhaka bus schedule, ticket price and counter number

BRTC Faridpur to Dhaka Bus Timetable, Ticket Price and Counter Number, Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation or BRTC is a transport corporation of Bangladesh, established in 1961.
BRTC is one of the most secure and important transport corporation of Bangladesh. Want to know about it for traveling by this bus service?
Read More: Golden Line Paribahan all counter number and fare details
You can know about BRTC bus schedule, ticket price, online ticket booking and contact method etc. in this post. So if you want to know about these, then read the whole.
BRTC Bus Schedule
If you want to take your journey by BRTC bus, it is important to know about the schedule.
This post has a complete list of BRTC bus timetables. Please check below.
Faridpur to Dhaka BRTC daily bus service starts at 6 AM and last bus leaves at 7:30 PM.
Read more: Saudia Paribahan bus ticket counter number and fare details
BRTC Ticket Price
BRTC Faridpur to Dhaka ticket price fixed (AC) 400 Tk.
Although the bus authority said before the bus service that the bus fare will be Tk 350, but for unknown reasons, the fare was increased by Tk 50 to Tk 400.
BRTC Faridpur to Dhaka AC bus does not have online ticket booking system, you have to collect the ticket from the counter 15 minutes before departure of the bus.
BRTC (AC) bus departure schedule from Faridpur to Dhaka:
06:00 am
07:00 am
08:00 am
To get important information
visit: on the website.
09:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 p.m
01:00 PM
02:00 PM
03:30 PM
05:00 PM
07:30 PM
The detailed information is written by Md. Mahadi Hassan Riday
Contact number and address of BRTC Head Office
If you wish to contact the BRTC Head Office, please use the following channels.
BRTC Head Office Contact Number (PABX), Fax Number and Email Address are provided below. You can contact BRTC Head Office through one of the following methods.
Phone (PABX): +880 2 9611111 or +880 9611111888
Fax: +880 2 9556677
Faridpur Counter Contact Number: 01717111578 (Habib) 01718342234
Gulistan Counter Number: 01939634428 (Jamal)
Sayedabad Counter Number: 01790111455 (Aslam)
Counter Manager Number: 01714664981
Counter Address:
Gulisthan Counter Opposite Sundarban Market (Just Opposite Flyover)
Faridpur Counter No. 01: Faridpur Old Bus Stunt Near North Row First Shop Oil Pump.
Faridpur Counter No. 02: Faridpur New Bus Stand (Opposite Old Golden Line Counter or Former South Line Counter New BRCT Counter)
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