Dhaka to Chittagong train schedule, ticket and fare list

The two largest cities of the country are Dhaka and Chittagong.
Thousands of people travel between these two cities every day. Train is one of the most important and easy means of traveling from Dhaka to Chittagong. The distance of this route by train is 346 km.
Bangladesh Railway has launched 8 rails on this route considering the convenience of passengers. These 8 trains again run in two parts. Inter-city and mail trains are divided into two parts.
- Golden Express
- Sonar Bangla Express
- The morning of the metropolis
- Mahanagar Express
- Trina Express
(Above 5 intercity trains)
Also, the remaining three mail trains are-
- Chittagong Mail
- Karnaphuli Express
- Chattala Express
Among them two important trains are Sonar Bangla Express and Suvarna Express. This train is one of the 3 trains running non-stop in Bangladesh so far. These two trains are very popular as they are non-stop.
So let’s know the train schedule and fare without delay-
- Suvarna Express:
(Train No. 702) departs from Dhaka Kamalapur railway station via airport at 04.30 pm and arrives for Chittagong at 09.50 am. Being one of the non-stop trains in the country, it does not stop anywhere except Dhaka Airport.
Monday is the weekend for this train.
Rent: Tk 355 for Sobhon and Tk 673 for Snigdha
- Sonar Bangla Express:
(Train No- 788) departs from Kamalapur railway station, Dhaka for Chittagong at 7.00 am and reaches the destination at 12.15 pm. This train also stops at Dhaka Airport for 2-5 minutes.
Sonar Bangla Express observes weekend on Wednesday.
Rent: Tk 600 for decoration, Tk 1000 for comfort and Tk 1100 for AC service
- Mahanagar Prabhati:
(Train No. 704) Mahanagar Prabhati Express is one of the long distance intercity trains of Bangladesh Railway. It leaves Kamalapur railway station in Dhaka for Chittagong at 7.45 am and reaches the destination at 02.50 pm.
The Mahanagar Prabhati train stops at 8 places and this train has no weekend i.e. it runs 7 days a week.
Fare: Sobhan chair (1st class 150 and 2nd class 125 taka) for Snigdha (1st class 455 and 2nd class 345 taka) and for AC service 756 taka
- Mahanagar Express:
(Train No. 722) leaves Dhaka’s Kamalapur Railway Station for Chittagong at 09.20 PM and reaches its destination at 04.50 AM.
Mahanagar Express stops at 12 places en route. And Sunday is a weekend.
Rent: Tk 320 for decoration, Tk 610 for comfort and Tk 731 for AC service.
- Trina Express:
(Train No. 742) leaves Dhaka’s Kamalapur Railway Station for Chittagong at 11.30 pm and reaches the destination at 06.20 am.
Mahanagar Express stops at 7 places en route and has no weekends.
Rent: The rent for decorative chair is Tk 320.
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There are also three other mail trains that run from Dhaka to Chittagong. Let’s have a look-
- Chittagong Mail:
It leaves Kamalapur railway station in Dhaka for Chittagong at 10.30 pm and reaches the destination at 07.25 am.
It has no weekends.
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- Karnaphuli Express:
Departs Kamalapur Railway Station, Dhaka for Chittagong at 08.45 AM and reaches destination at 06.15 PM.
It has no weekends. - Chattala Express:
It leaves Dhaka’s Kamalapur Railway Station for Chittagong at 01.00 PM and reaches the destination at 10.30 PM.
For everyone’s information, this train is closed weekly on Tuesday
This was Bangladesh Railway’s latest updated Dhaka to Chittagong route train schedule and fare list. Have a good journey.
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