
How to start IELTS? What books will you read? Learn more!

Take 1-2 weeks to learn some grammar topics such as: Parts of speech, Tense, Preposition, Complex and Compound sentence structure, Active and passive voice, punctuation, Linking/transitional words and take notes in the notebook. Learn how to use these to make sentences without just memorizing the rules for grammar. Good grammar books help and YouTube has good videos on these topics.
1.Cambridge 8-18

Read more: Things to do 1 year before going abroad for Higher Education

Cambridge official guide
3.Rachel Michael writing 1+2
Makkar Speaking
Buy them for now.
Start with Cambridge official guide. Take 2 days to read the first 150 pages in which you will get a detailed idea about the 4 modules. Get a good idea of ​​the question types, writing and speaking band descriptors of all the modules.

If necessary start with 2 modules first (I was starting with reading and listening).

You will get many free resources from YouTube or Websites, but if you see more of them, you will get confused, so there is no need to see them except for a few specific ones.
Liz, you can visit E2 IELTS and IELTS or Idp official website.

From now on, try to read for at least 30 minutes and listen for 30 minutes daily (reading and listening on topics that interest you will not bother you). Remember that without reading and listening habits you can never improve.

Try to understand things yourself first, find out where your problem really is. Then if you feel you need to go for some coaching then follow the guidelines of someone good online/offline. good wishes

IBA MBA English Preparation: What will you study in the next 1 month? How will you study?
But there is not much time left. And after a few days, you have to start giving mock tests. You will get a maximum of 1 month for preparation. How will you use this one month?

1) Do not neglect the written part.

Take the previous year’s question bank of IBA. Take any written topic. Write down any topic daily. It is important to get into writing. If you do not have the habit of writing, learning thousands of courses and grammar will not be of any use. When you get into writing, turn on the stop watch. You have to practice finishing the writing in 12-13 minutes.

2) Choose any one of the vocabulary lists.
Word Smart Part 1 or Barrons 800, Barron’s 333. Complete these word lists completely. Vocabulary preparation will help you to the maximum extent to bring complete preparation in the English section. In this case, divide your wordlists into small parts. Memorize 200 words every week and test yourself. In this way, it is possible to complete the 800 word wordlist in 4 weeks. If you want to study Barons 333, complete it in 2 weeks and revise it daily for the next two weeks.

3) Cliffs TOEFL
Complete the entire Cliffs TOEFL. Cliffs TOEFL will build the basics of your grammar section. Complete Cliffs TOEFL 2-3 times beautifully. Solve each practice problem at the end of Cliffs TOEFL. Practice error detection. These will help you internalize the grammar topics. In this way, you can solve the practice problems from Barons TOEFL by grasping the topics.

4) 501 Sentence Completion:
Along with your vocabulary preparation, start practicing this book slowly. It is best to start with single blank text completion. Then slowly move on to double blank. Also, note down the words you don’t know. You will also learn the words.

5) IBA BBA + MBA Previous Year Question:
Once you have done that, you should go directly to the previous year questions. Especially from here, solve passages, fill in the blank, error detection, sentence correction. Since the time is quite short, there will be no time to cover too many resources. So, you have to make full use of the limited resources.

6) Evaluation:
Continuous Put yourself in Evaluation. In this case, Weekly Exam/Monthly Exam can be the most suitable means of evaluating you constantly.

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