Rajshahi to Chilahati Barendra Express Train Schedule and Fare

Rajshahi to Chilahati Barendra Express Train Schedule and Fare, Varendra Express train! We know that trains promise a safe journey. So if you want to go from one place to another then the safest mode of transport is train. This means when a person travels by train that person can travel safely and comfortably without much worry. So today we are going to discuss Varendra Express train with you. Varendra Express Train is an intercity train of Bangladesh. The train runs from Rajshahi in the northern district of Bangladesh and Amer city to Chilahati.
Read More: Parvatipur to Dhaka Train Schedule and Fare
So many people travel in this train. If you want to travel by train, you should always have an idea about the train schedule and ticket prices. Because a train departs from its destination station at specific time. For you we will provide you some information about Barendra Express train schedule and ticket price and what facilities you will get in Barendra Express train on our website.
Varendra Express Train Schedule
To travel by any train one should know the timing of that train. Because the inter-city trains run through the scheduled schedule of Bangladesh Railway. We inform you that Barendra Express train number is (731-732) trains run from Rajshahi to Chilahati. Barendra Express train leaves Rajshahi at 3 am. and reaches Chilahati Railway Station at 9:25 PM. Meanwhile, the train takes breaks at many railway stations during its journey. Barendra Express train from Chilahati will again depart for Rajshahi at 5:50 AM and reach Rajshahi Railway Station at 12:20 PM. For your convenience I am attaching the Box to Barendra Express train schedule.
Station Name – Time of Arrival excluding Holidays
Train name | Holiday | Time to leave | Arrival time |
Rajshahi to Chilahati | Sunday | 15:00 | 21:25 |
Chilahati to Rajshahi | Sunday | 05:50 | 12:20 |
Varendra Express Train Stops and Timetable
Varendra Express Train from Rajshahi to Chilahati Railway Station, railway station names and timings are attached in the table below. If you want you can also collect Varendra Express train tickets from these stations. Please see the reverse name and schedule of Varendra Express trains below.
Break Station Names Rajshahi to (731) Chilahati to (732)
Break Station Name | From Rajshahi (731) | From Rajshahi (731) |
Abdulapur | 15:40 | 10:55 |
Nator | 16:18 | 10:32 |
Ahsanganj | 16:43 | 10:07 |
Santahar | 17:10 | 09:40 |
Akkelpur | 17:35 | 09:15 |
Jaipurhat | 18:00 | 08:57 |
Panchbb | 18:14 | 08:45 |
Birampur | 18:36 | 08:17 |
Phulbari | 18:50 | 08:03 |
Parvatipur | 19:20 | 07:25 |
Syedpur | 20:09 | 07:00 |
Nilphamari | 20:31 | 06:37 |
Domar | 20:54 | 06:20 |
(info R BD) |
Barendra Express Train Fare List
Varendra Express train is a luxury train. We inform you that Varendra Express train has four categories of seats. That is, Barendra Express Train Ticket Price Below we are adding the ticket price of Barendra Express train seats with four seats.
Seat Section | Ticket price (15% VAT) |
Shovan | 175 taka |
Shovan Chair | 360 taka |
F_Seat | 345 taka |
F_Berth | 414 taka |
Snigdha | 564 taka |
AC_Chair | 621 taka |
Hope you got some valuable information about Varendra Express Train from our above discussion. All intercity trains of Bangladesh are provided on our website. You can know about all those intercity trains if you want. If you see anything unknown about Varendra Express train, you can tell in the comment box.
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